by Thibault Dambrine
Software quality is hard to quantify. How would you justify the value of a separate software Quality Control (QC) team? If your IT manager told you “We have survived for so long without such a staff. Why change now?” What could you say to convince him or her to think differently?
Simply put, the answer to all these questions lies in “economics”. Boiling it down to dollars and cents, quality software happens to cost less – by a wide margin. In this article, I will expose the economics of software quality. In effect, I will describe how one can put a dollar value on quality control and its impact on the enterprise. Should your IT department consider investing in a QC team? Read on!
The aim of this article is to promote an enhanced understanding of how improving software quality can boost your status as a software producer and help cut development cost at the same time. It will describe:
- The components of software quality cost
- Using a software quality costing model, it will make a case for a formal quality control process
- Provide, through the above case, an understanding of how software quality can help drive down software cost while improving the perception of the IT department as one that more often than not hits the mark the first time.
The Cost of Quality
Imagine 100 programs go into production.
- 80 programs go without a flaw
- 20 programs go, but subsequently require remedial actions, fixes or modifications.
One could say that the first 80 programs complied right from the time of their promotion. They were properly designed, checked and verified before being promoted, and there is a cost to all this. This cost will be named the “cost of compliance”.
The last 20 programs were not perfect. They required extra work because they did not comply with the requirements. The cost of fixing these programs subsequently can best be described as the “cost of non-compliance”.
Once all the programs have reached the point where they are deemed “of good quality”, meaning needing no more fixes, the total cost of quality can be summed up with the following formula:
- Cost of Prevention, QC Price of Non-Compliance (PONC)
- Cost of Internal Failures
- Cost of External Failures |
Price of Quality = POC + PONC |
Let's examine the components of these costs.
In the Price of Compliance, the following activities can be found:
Development activities •
Staff training •
analysis •
Early prototyping •
design •
programming •
Accurate internal
documentation •
Proper Requirements •
Detailed Design
Documents |
Quality Control Activities •
Design review •
Code inspection •
Unit testing •
End-to-End testing •
Regression Testing •
Beta testing •
Test automation •
Pre-release testing
by staff •
User acceptance
testing |
The activities above are relatively standard and most developers would be expected to be familiar with each one of these line items.
In the Price of Non-Compliance, the following activities can be found:
Internal High
Visibility Costs •
Bug fixes •
Wasted in-house user
time •
Developer fixing time •
Tester re-testing time
Cost of late software
product shipment •
potentially affected |
External Low
Visibility Costs •
Cost of decisions made
based on bad data •
Lost Market Share •
Technical support
calls •
Investigation of
customer complaints •
Refunds and recalls •
Coding / testing of
interim bug fix releases •
Shipping of updated
product •
Added expense of
supporting multiple versions of the product in the field •
PR work to soften drafts
of harsh reviews •
Lost sales •
Lost customer goodwill
– Reputation for producing buggy software •
Discounts to resellers
to encourage them to keep selling the product •
Warranty costs •
Liability costs •
investigations – if company subject to regulatory rules •
Penalties •
All other costs
imposed by law •
Other…. |
There are two points to notice here:
1) The list of “internal” or “high visibility” costs is relatively limited and easy to quantify. The costs listed there apply to the IT department only.
2) The list of “external low visibility” costs touches potentially all areas of the company and its impact is far wider than the first list.
What happens here most often is that when evaluating the cost impact of a given bug, the temptation is to only count the “high-visibility” costs. External or low-visibility costs are typically easy to overlook or minimize because they are hard to quantify. They are also commonly known as “soft costs”.
The 1-10-100 Rule
How would one quantify the cost impact of these “soft costs”? Many have pondered upon this question. The accepted measure in most quality circles for this type of costs is the 1-10-100 rule. This rule states that:
- It costs 1 unit of labor to fix a bug at the programmer's workstation
- It costs 10 units of labor to fix a bug once it has been caught at the Quality Control stage
- It costs 100 units of labor to the company once a bug has been released to the user
If you look at the graph below, you can see how the cost of bugs can grow exponentially if they are not caught early.
Clearly, it costs less to catch bugs early. To illustrate this concept with a concrete example, I will put forward the following model:
The case for a Formal
Quality Control Process
We now know more about the components of software quality and the fact that bugs cost a lot less if they are caught early than if they are caught late. The following section will illustrate, with a simplified example, the impact of resolving bugs early on software development costs.
Cost of Bug Fixes Without
Quality Control:
Let there be:
80% of 125 bugs is 100 bugs, resolved at $100 times a factor of 1, totaling $10,000
20% of 125 bugs is 25 bugs, resolved at $100 times a factor of 100, totaling $250,000
There are no expenses for quality control.
The total is $260,000.
Cost of resolving bug |
Cost of Resolving a Bug Immediately |
Cost of Resolving a Bug at QC |
Cost of resolving a Bug once it reached the users |
Total Cost of Bug Fixes |
1-10-100 Rule |
1 |
10 |
100 |
Distribution of 125 Bugs |
100 x $100 x 1 |
0 x $100 x 10 |
25 x $100 x 100 |
Distribution of Costs @
$100/bug |
(100x$100 x 1) $10,000 |
(0x $100 x 10) $0 |
(25 x $100 x 100) $250,000 |
$260,000 |
$0 |
Total Cost |
$260,000 |
Cost of Bug Fixes With Quality
Let there be:
80% of 125 bugs is 100 bugs, resolved at $100 times a factor of 1, totaling $10,000
80% of the remaining 25 bugs are 20 bugs, resolved at $100 times a factor of 10, totaling $20,000
The remaining 5 bugs reach the customers and are resolved at a cost of $100 times a factor of 100, totaling $50,000, add $75,000 for a QC resource and the total comes up to $155,000.
Cost of resolving bug |
Cost of Resolving a Bug Immediately |
Cost of Resolving a Bug at QC |
Cost of resolving a Bug once it reached the users |
Total Cost of Bug Fixes |
1-10-100 Rule |
1 |
10 |
100 |
Distribution of 100 Bugs |
100 x $100 x 1 |
20 x $100 x 10 |
5 x $100 x 100 |
Distribution of Costs @ $100/bug |
(100x$100 x 1) $10,000 |
(20x $100 x 10) $20,000 |
(5 x $100 x 100) $50,000 |
$80,000 |
+ Cost of QC Team |
$75,000 |
Total Cost |
$155,000 |
Here is the summary of the big picture:
Cost model without QC for 125 bugs |
$ Amount |
Cost model with QC for 125 bugs |
$ Amount |
Cost of
quality without QC team |
$260,000 |
of quality with QC team |
$80,000 |
(Now formal QC expense) |
$0 |
Cost of QC Full-time Equivalent
resource |
$75,000 |
Total |
$260,000 |
Total |
$155,000 |
Money Saved with QC for one year: $260,000 -
$155,000 = $105,000
The total return on
investment, after spending 75K on a single quality control resource is an
astounding 140% return. Even if the cost of this QC resource was 100K, the
return would still be over 100%.
The graph below
illustrates the cost curve of quality without QC vs. the cost curve with QC.
The green
line shows the cost of quality without QC. In simple terms, every new bug
brings an equal amount of cost. (This is a deviation from the 1-10-100 rule,
which would make the slope steeper)
The pink
line shows the same cost curve with QC. Note that it starts at 75K, which is
expensive if you have no bugs to start with, but it has a significantly softer
slope than the green line.
point where these two lines meet is around 55 bugs. At that point, it costs no more,
no less to have or not have a QC resource.
The next graph shows 3 curves:
- The blue line is an imaginary one: It simply is one that shows “what if users could see every bug?”
- The green line shows what they really see after the developers have cleaned up 80% of these bugs.
- The pink line below shows what if QC caught 80%of the bugs below the green line.
At the 55 bug point, previously identified as the point where the cost of fixing bugs with QC would be the same as the cost of fixing bugs with QC, a point where there was – on the surface, no advantage to a QC resource.
The visibility curves tell a different story. At the 55-bug data point, without QC, only 80% of these bugs will be resolved - the user will see 11 bugs. With a QC resource added, at that same point, 80% of remaining 11 bugs will be resolved - letting only 2.2 bugs reach the user.
This difference, 11 bugs down to 2.2 can make a phenomenal difference in positive perception from the users towards the IT department.
I used the 80% mark here to clearly make a point. This percentage, for any real life modeling should be higher. No matter what the percentage is however, the 1-10-100 rule will still show a clear cost and improved user perception for the IT departments that have formal quality processes.
Being consistently reliable when delivering results means an IT department will
- be trusted to produce reliable content
- experience fewer service interruptions for emergency fixes
- command premium budget dollars for salaries and equipment – it will be perceived to be money well spent
- get stronger business buy-in when requesting investments in new technology or new staff
In conclusion
IT, for all except software development companies, is typically a cost center. Understanding that software quality as well as software costs impact the company as a whole is critical to understanding the valuation of quality. Simply put, it goes beyond the boundaries of the IT department.
Bad software quality can adversely affect the entire company in an almost infinite number of ways. See the External, low-visibility costs described in part 1. Good quality on the other hand not only costs less, it also enhances the confidence, trust and positive perception the corporation can have towards its IT department. Companies boasting such quality IT services will also typically have a bolder attitude towards technology, more open to evaluating new software products ahead of their competitors. These are no small benefits.
If you are wondering if your IT department could benefit from a formal QC process, look at your bug track. Look at your bug fixing costs and apply the 1-10-100 rule using a bug resolution percentage that would be representative of how your developers perform. Use the model provided with this article and see where you could gain both savings and reliability. Ask yourself: What would your QC/QA-driven savings be like? Could your bug visibility curve be pushed down?